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The Passion Test
Här är några utsagor av personer som gjort testet tillsammans med mig.
"Vi brukar få struktur i vår inre   verklighet och yttre liv genom att skriva ner saker och tala med vänner vi litar på. Jag hamnade i en situation då de gamla invanda   strukturerna rämnade. Nu krävdes det något mer – jag behövde en ny riktning och 
vägvisare, fast mark under fötterna. Då kom Ingrids Passions Test mycket  lägligt. Med hennes milda ledning - det handlar inte om att testa sig! – fick jag   fast mark  under fötterna och lärde mig att sortera och ge mig själv tillåtelse att  prioritera – precis som jag själv vill och vad jag tror är bra för mig. Nu har jag   lärt mig att kolla kompassen i jämna mellanrum."

Anneli Liukko


"The Passion Test väcker mycket tankar och man börjar fundera på hur man lever sitt liv. Det är viktigt att faktiskt sätta sig ner och tänka till på vad man själv vill. Man glömmer att göra det i vardagen. Det kan leda till att man upptäcker att det man trodde var viktigast kanske inte är det. Testet har inspirerat mig och gjort att jag fått mera energi och mera glädje."

"Testet blev en vändpunkt bort från det negativa så att jag nu ser framåt på ett sätt som jag inte gjort förut."
"Jag är glad över att jag fick möjlighet att genomföra testet. Jag var mycket positiv och motiverad både medan jag gjorde testet och efteråt. Jag är mer fokuserad nu och lever helt efter mina passioner."
Linnéa Brolin Hollstein



"Jag anlitade Senior Livsglädje för The Passion Test och är mycket nöjd med resultatet. Jag har fått större visioner och mer motivation, vilket gör det roligare också att jobba. Det var värdefullt att också få reda på vad som är viktigast för mig."
Marcus Karlsson
"Med hjälp av The Passion Test har jag upptäckt saker hos mig själv som jag inte sett tidigare. Till exempel hur jag gör mina prioriteringar. Det gör att det blir enklare att fokusera på det som är viktigt i livet."
"Den metod som Ingrid Johansson förespråkar påminner i mycket om en kurs, som jag gick för flera år sedan för att uppnå ett rikare liv. Den metoden härstammade också från USA. The Passion Test tvingade mig att tänka igenom vad jag vill göra under resten av mitt liv och sätta upp mål att eftersträva. När man har tydliga mål blir det lättare att fokusera på hur man ska nå dem.
 "Nu när jag inte längre har en arbetsgivare som sätter målen blev det viktigt fmig att sätta upp egna mål själv - åt mig själv."
 Agneta Rosenlund, 65 år i år
"Alla har passioner i livet och genom att göra "testet" får man reda på sina  viktigaste passioner. Om du redan tror att du vet vilka de är, då kan du kanske ha fel! Genom att träffa Ingrid i några timmar fick jag reda på mina största passioner och nu lever jag efter dem. Jag tycker att alla ska göra den här "undersökningen" och leva livet som det är menat att leva!"


The Joy of Life



Got More From This Book Than I Thought I Would.

What a fabulous book. I am in the "older" bracket of life and I think of myself as very positive and am grateful for the life I'm living now. However, I've learned even more things through this book that I know will make my life even better. I want that 100 year old birthday speech to be brilliant! The author writes very well. The book is easy to read and easy to understand. The activities are thought provoking, which adds to the purpose of this book. Whether you think you need this book or not, it's worth getting. It definitely deserves the five stars I've given it.




This is the book you will want to keep close!

This book is a true gem! About 3 pages into the first chapter, I realized I had to go and get paper, pen and a yellow marker - this was going to be a journey! I have not read it all through yet, but I felt I needed to let people know about the wisdom contained in this book so they get started right away, to get their lives in balance, to find the answer to their innermost questions and feelings.

I truly wish I had this book 23 years ago, when my husband died suddenly, I got breast cancer due to the shock and sat there alone with a business that I didn't know what to do with. If this book had been at hand at that time, I know my life would have been different today. Sure, I made it through, but I didn't have time to consider the questions that I should have asked myself then. Now I find them in this book, and realize I have some answering to do. But now I have the time to do the soul searching that is needed. I really want to recommend this treasure chest. Get this outstretched hand now already, BEFORE you NEED it!

Erna Berger-Sundin



The Joy of Life shows that we still have to choose

The world today is in many ways unsafe. We cannot avoid news of climate changes, threatening international conflicts or emerging pandemics. At the same time all these things make us aware of the extraordinariness of our existence. The Joy of Life shows that we still have to choose what we make of our individual lives and how we set our priorities. Problems and failures occur but they can bring us closer to what we are now. Besides, blessing comes to you from situations that first appear to be the opposite. The Joy of life is an active journey that made me aware of the meaning of gratefulness.

Anneli Liukko

Discover Joy in Life

I really enjoyed this book as it totally captivated me from the very beginning to the end. It gives a lot of positive energy and inspiration as well as joy when reading it. It is a well-written book and easy to understand even if English is not your first language and you cannot understand every word. The author shows a fabulous capacity to open our minds and gives us invaluable tips and help to get a more positive view on different things. Generally we do not pause to think about being grateful for what is good in our lives as it is easier to focus on less positive things. This book is an excellent guide to find joy and open our eyes to be more positive and grateful. The Joy of Life has stayed in my mind for a long time - a book that I really recommend you to read.

Margareta Brännvall



Find out how you can profoundly change your values and start appreciating life while complaining less

Author Ingrid Johansson goes through a terrifying life changing event of getting cancer. Find out how you can profoundly change your values and start appreciating life while complaining less. Find more joy in your daily life without having a terrifying life threatening experience first! This book will help you to change your views on life and live with exuberance and passion!

Karin A. Lubin



Your guide for joy!

Excellent book! Well researched and lots of real-life application. Simple and powerful message. Johansson does a great job of capturing the essence of joy in our lives and providing the path to get there.

G Biss


The Joy of Being Older


5.0 out of 5 stars

A Preparation from age 25 and beyond!

January 4, 2019

Format: Kindle Edition

For Christmas this year I received a book that really made me start spinning! Ingrid Johansson’s book “The Joy of Being Older”! When a book is promising to be good, I am sure to have a yellow marker at hand. By now, this very special book looks like a sun flower. Every marking means that I read it at least 2-3 times to let it sink in deeply before going forward.

I really would like to place this book in the hands of every 25-yearold and above – to help the younger generation appreciate aging parents, the middle age generations to meet the day of retirement more prepared, and the older ones to accept inevitable changes.

And I just cannot stop talking about this amazing book. The author’s elegant way of describing all possible situations that you are sure to meet, whether young or old, makes it a pure joy to read. If you have amounted two thirds of your life you will recognize yourself. Most people are poorly prepared for the day when the door of their work place shuts behind them! This book might just be the guide you need for navigating through the rest of your life.

There is so much more to say about this book, but I rather recommend everybody to get it and read for themselves. For the coming year, I have prepared a list for Santa – a Swedish translation – I really want everybody to be able to share this wisdom.

Erna Berger-Sundin

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